Wednesday, March 19, 2008

first try

I could write about many things, but today I will be giving you the scoop on the NCAA basketball tournament. It always amazes me how little the people in "the know" actually know when it comes to sports. This tournament is no different. There are a few games early on that are pretty easy to pick, but even they can be baffling. If you think you can just look things up on line and have some idea of what you are doing, think again. There is no rhyme or reason to these brackets. It seems like one could put on a blindfold, and select just as many correct outcomes as the guy who studies out every last player on every team. I have decided to put this idea to the test. I have already taken the time to study out who should be winning this thing using all the stats and advice the internet has to offer. This will be called my A brackets. I will actually close my eyes and fill out another online bracket and call this my B brackets. We will then compare and contrast them and see what we come up with. I am willing to bet that if I were to do this 100 times, we would see conclusive evidence that peoples A brackets would not fair better than their B brackets. If I end up winning my pool with the B brackets, I'll laugh.
This is only an experiment, but if it works, I'll expect some compensation

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